HAPPY EASTER! Let's rejoice together in the risen Christ and marvel at His love and life poured out to rescue us.
It's hot season here in Thailand, and the mangoes hang thick on the trees!
We are so thankful for the time we got to spend with Ryan's parents while they were here in the end of February and into the beginning of March. Lots of good memories were made, Nova was loved on a lot, and it was a huge blessing to have them here as we got the truck back from the repair shop and jumped into life at the market again! Family is such a gift, and we know it is such a privilege to be able to spend time together in person on the opposite side of the globe!

A peak into behind the scenes on the truck. Sauced & Tossed is growing and gaining traction at the market among locals, which is very exciting to see. We feel like we are starting to see the fruit of the past few months of trial and error as the truck is generally running more smoothly and we are able to run it more efficiently. The past few weeks have definitely had their stressful moments with electrical issues, minor truck repairs, and the normal pressures of running a small business. Sadly, we have not always responded to these many stressful situations in a manner worthy of the Lord and pray that we will grow in responding to these pressures in a way that glorifies God. We are thankful for the promises from scripture that He will use them to conform us more to the image of Christ!
Nova making friends at the market.
A picture from our monthly employee dinner. Still so grateful that the Lord has led this team to us and for the opportunities we get day in and day out do do life with them and talk about Christ together. The past few weeks have brought with them abundant opportunity to share about Jesus at the market, both with our employees and with customers. We praise the Lord for this, as it makes all the details that go into making Sauced & Tossed work feel a little more worth it!
Although we live in the outskirts of the city, you don't have to go far to find some Thai backroads that feel like a step back in time. Pictured above is a man herding his handful of cows along a lake covered in lotus leaves.
- pray for the people who have heard of Jesus Christ over the past month. Pray for hearts to be softened, curiosity to be peaked, and for opportunities to share more.
- praise the Lord that we have our truck back up and running again!
- pray for grace to trust the Lord and extend His grace to others as we handle the pressures and stresses of life and business here.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3)
Thanks for the update! So thankful the truck is up and running and you're feeling increasingly more competent with it's workings. Continued prayers for your family and testimony in the lives of your employees, customers, and friends!