She's here!
Nova Gail (น้องเกล) was born May 22 at 11:09pm! We are so thankful for the provision of the Lord throughout the labor and delivery and in awe of His goodness in giving us such a precious gift. She is dearly loved.
Thank you to each one who prayed over the labor and delivery! We are so thankful for how it went and see God's faithfulness in answering prayers so clearly.
Nova's name is derived from the Latin term for "the creation of a new star." Our prayer for her is that she would be one who looks to Christ and radiates His light. "Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed." (Psalm 34:5)

Since Nova has been born, we have been blown away by how many people have gone out of their way to meet her and bless us! The pastor and his wife from our church in Lopburi came to visit at the hospital in Bangkok, as well as other missionary friends, and we have been welcomed back to Lopburi by many visitors including neighbors, church members, and our landlord!
In other news, we have officially decided to move to Udon Thani! Although it was a very difficult decision to make, we feel that this is the direction the Lord is leading and are excited about what is in store. Thank you for praying over this decision with us.
Udon Thani is located in the least reached region of Thailand and there is such a great need for gospel influence there. We are looking forward to working with like-minded co-laborers in a church plant who have much more experience than us on the field. We pray that God will be glorified as we reach out into the Udon Thani community for the sake of the gospel through our lives and business.
At the beginning of this month, Ryan was able to take a "vision trip" to Udon Thani with the two other men of the families we will be joining in the church plant. It was helpful to be able to picture the city better. Our plan is to move in July!
- praise God for the birth of little Nova and His tender care of us throughout the process of her birth!
- pray for us as we adjust to life as new parents. Being away from family definitely hits harder at times like these. We are so enjoying this little sweetheart, but also need the grace of God as we learn to meet the needs of a newborn!
- praise God for leading us to a decision regarding future location!
- pray for us as we continue to take steps towards moving to Udon Thani. Pray that we would find a home in a strategic location there, that we would be fruitful in ministry there, and that we would rest in the Lord through each step of the moving process.
- pray for grace to navigate all of the adjustments we are walking through now and in the coming months in a way that honors God, especially as we know we see our needs and weaknesses most clearly in times of change.
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