We were welcomed home by the sight of our first mangos growing on our mango trees. ✨
After a wonderful month of catching up with family and friends in person, we are now resettling back into life in Thailand! We praise God for a sweet time in the US, and for the peace and joy He has given us in returning to Lopburi and taking steps towards what is next here for us.

Ryan playing basketball at the local sports center. This has been a great way to build connections in the community!
We are back at Thai lessons with our tutors and continuing to self-study. It seems like progress in language acquisition is slow, and sometimes painful, but we know it is so worth every hour invested!
Hanging out with one of our friends in their home. So thankful for the warm and open hearts of many of the Thai people God has placed in our path.
Buying bamboo brooms from a street vendor one day after church.
This sight means it's Saturday and the kids are over! 💗
Time with our neighborhood kids has begun to feel a little less chaotic and a little more focused, praise God! Praying that their little hearts would be open to the gospel and God would use our feeble attempts at sharing for His glory.
And lastly, we found out that we are having a baby girl! We are so excited to have a little lady and it has been so fun to start gathering the essentials for her. One of our neighbors gifted us this plant, which is just one example of the generosity and care we have experienced from friends here and in the States as we prepare to welcome our little one. Thank you each for the role you have played in this!
- praise for a healthy and growing little baby girl! The end of May can't come soon enough ;)
- praise for smooth reentry back into Thailand (there was a little scare at the airport regarding our visa, but God was so faithful and abundantly provided for us through it!)
- praise for hiring a business attorney here in Thailand to help us get the ball rolling and sort through the legal process that is required for us to open our business.
- pray for A, Num, and Natalie. Pray that as we interact with each of these people, the Lord would open opportunities to share more about Him and that the Spirit would be working in their hearts.
- pray for our good friends, Phil and Julie, and us as we pray and discern through what the Lord's future is for our families in Thailand. We would love to co-labor with them in church planting. There are multiple factors at play in this, including timing and location. We want whatever the Lord desires in this, whether we end up working together or going to different locations. Pray for grace, humility, and discernment as we have further conversations.
"For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses." (Psalm 135:5-7)
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